But filling the freezer bags can be awkward: they don't stand up by themselves, and they don't stay open. This is particularly troublesome when I'm puting chicken or other meat into the bags. I don't want to touch the outside of the bags and possibly contaminate them with any salmonella I may have on my fingers (from the meat--I don't walk around with salmonella on my fingers--not often any way).
But a couple days ago I thought of a simple solution to both problems, and tonight I got a chance to test my idea.
First, I washed out an empty #2 can, and used a can opener to remove the bottom.
Then I simply stood the bottomless can up in the freezer bag I wanted to fill, and put the contents into the can.
The can is shorter than the bag, so as I filled up the can I shook the contents down into the bottom of the bag, and slid the can up to finish filling up the bag.
It worked great. I filled the bag with no problems. Now I'm ready for the next time I buy a big package of chicken!